Friday, March 28, 2008

after school snack

ever since my children were in school they would come home famished. so we always had an after-school snack. sometimes fresh chocolate chip cookies, sometimes apples,carrots with peanut butter. it didn't really matter as long as it filled their tummies till dinner. my youngest child just started college so pretty much the"after school snack" days are over...except on the days when my hubbie is home then he gets the grandboys to ask...whats for after school snack, even if its saturday. what a silly habit. but its one that i guess is being passed down the the snack was cheese crackers and popscicles. what a combo!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

baby ducks

kristie decided that they wanted to teach the boys about raising a pet and also dinner, so she bought 4 baby ducks. they all now have names and think daimon and taison are their "mom" i'm not sure the whole duck dinner thing is ever going to happen.we'll see. they can't wait to take them outside for playtime. yet again another sign of spring.


i love spring! all the blossoms are bursting. the air is warmer and there are lots of birds arriving. i realize that many places in the world are still in a winter wonderland,however their day of spring will soon come. i hope you all enjoy spring!